Magic Mike aka Micky

Born June 2022 Barock pinto colt
62.50 % Friesian with a dash of Dutch Warmblood and National Show horse
Sired by Boudewijn X Rendezvous in Paris by TDR Sjoerd
He is on track to end up at the height of 16.1 or 2 HH
he a very sweet colt that has all the ingredients
to become successfull in many dissapline's
with a correct built and movement will allow him to do
62.50 % Friesian with a dash of Dutch Warmblood and National Show horse
Sired by Boudewijn X Rendezvous in Paris by TDR Sjoerd
He is on track to end up at the height of 16.1 or 2 HH
he a very sweet colt that has all the ingredients
to become successfull in many dissapline's
with a correct built and movement will allow him to do
Mata Hari aka Miep Miep

Born June 2022
7/8 Friesian Filly 1/8 Dutch Warmblood
Sired by Boudewijn out of Adore 1 premie star mare by Wylster 463
her granddame being Always Shashay 1premie model /award mare by Ljibbe's Valour.
this spice girl is a incredible sweet and inquisitive Nature but she just want to be loved.
but don,t be suprised she is a very well and correct moving filly that will have a grand future in to what ever you would have in mind for her.
7/8 Friesian Filly 1/8 Dutch Warmblood
Sired by Boudewijn out of Adore 1 premie star mare by Wylster 463
her granddame being Always Shashay 1premie model /award mare by Ljibbe's Valour.
this spice girl is a incredible sweet and inquisitive Nature but she just want to be loved.
but don,t be suprised she is a very well and correct moving filly that will have a grand future in to what ever you would have in mind for her.

Born july 2022
Warlander filly by Storm Shadow out of the Purebred Friesian Mare L Ashley
she was DNA color tested to be homogyzous black
she is 3/4 Friesian 1/4 Lusitano expected height 15.3 hh
she is a very Athlectic filly that is sassy but super friendly and sweet
Warlander filly by Storm Shadow out of the Purebred Friesian Mare L Ashley
she was DNA color tested to be homogyzous black
she is 3/4 Friesian 1/4 Lusitano expected height 15.3 hh
she is a very Athlectic filly that is sassy but super friendly and sweet